Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Back, with Benedict!

I've been completely away from the blogosphere for a while. I'm sorry to all y'all who's blogs I've been reading. I'm getting back on the train...

I'm in a group at church with some other young couples called Faith for Life. We read the Rule of St. Benedict and a book called Benedict's Toolbox and are going to be creating our own Rule of Life. I read these two books before and blogged a bit about them. The group is awesome and I have recently decided to try and follow Benedict's Hours schedule again.

Awhile back I read through the Psalms once a week at the Daily Hours (Vigils, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline) for a couple weeks and then made my own schedule to follow, as to not repeat as many Psalms throughout the week as Benedict does. In the past week I went back through the Rule and also wrote in all the other readings, hymns and such that Benedict has his monks do throughout the day. Needless to say, it's pretty crazy.

I started following it, mostly, yesterday. Sunday Vigils is the most intense. Vigils is supposed to be at 2-3am, but I'm doing it when I get up, before I eat breakfast. On Sundays Vigils is extra long, with the normal 12 psalms and then another 8 readings, 4 New Testament readings, and a Gospel reading. For Benedict, not all readings have to be from the Scriptures, although, that's what I'm doing. Until one of my uber rich friends buys me the Loeb Classical Library, I'm sticking to the Bible.

Well, that's all for now. I'll probably revamp some of my other thoughts on stuff like Jesus and his love for the Democratic party soon...


1 comment:

Ariah said...

Sounds interesting, let me know how your new rules go.