Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Yes, you read that correctly. Triathlon. I decided today that I want to do one. Searched online and found a cool website for beginners and saw that there is an Olympic triathlon in Normal, IL on July 17th, 2010. That's 1.5km of swimming (.93mi), 40km of biking (24.8mi) and 10K (6.2mi) of running. That's seems doable to me. In July of next year. Biggest Loser is my inspiration.

Who is with me???



David said...

I was planning to train for the half marathon next year so I could potentially be convinced to do this too.

Joel said...

Melissa and I have been talking about doing something like this, but I'm gonna be honest and say that the swimming part scares me a little bit. It's not that I'm a bad swimmer; it's more that I've never attempted to swim more than 100 meters at a given time.

I know, I know -- that's what training is for...

Ariah said...

Yep, not interested ;)
But I support your get fit efforts. I'm just trying to stop eating so much. Not working so far.

David said...

Wait, how far do you have to swim?? Is that even possible?

Melissa said...

I am TOTALLY with you, regardless of my lazy butt husband here, who in fact I am surprised that he says he's even thinking about it. I always got a straight up no. Interesting. But I am definitely doing one. Don't know if it will be the Normal one or something else. I was thinking about shooting for the spring. But I will definitely help hold you to the training! Also, I will talk David into it too. Triathlons are way cooler than half marathons, which are totally pointless extended amounts of running.

Devin said...

We'll I'll count David into the triathlon, for sure. Melissa, if you and Joel want to come up to the middle of IL during July to do it with us, you're in too. Ariah, I think you're wife is interested, so you might as well start training...

Mike? Eric? Jason? Emily? Robin?

Robin said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha.....


Bruce Kratky said...

Swimming. Biking. Running. A "triathlon" sounds a lot like chewing gum and walking at the same time with whistling added just to torment. I am not sure I could master any combo. It would require so much "getting out of bed" don't you think? Troubling. Isn't there some kind of pill I could take? I am deeply touched by Robin's thoughts on the matter... ha, ha, ha,... no.

But, maybe, being a guy and all, I'll have to consider it. I do have a history with some high level athletic activities. It is just that the history is buried so deeply by years and Perkins Everything Omlets, hash browns, French Toast, butter, maple syrup and coffee. I've been able to get out of bed for that!