Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Quick Life Update

This has mainly been a place of putting out my thoughts lately. It shall continue, but I wanted to put a general life update out there as well.

I've been biking a lot for about a month. I bought a bike off a friend who was moving, fixed it up a bit and have been biking to and from work pretty much every day. It is a 4.5 mile direct rout and an 8 mile route when I take the long way on the Lakeshore path. Usually I opt for the longer way. Yesterday I started what I think will be a Wednesday ritual: the 16.5 mile bike to work. I went south a ways, then over to the Lakeshore path and up to work. I also just bought a headlight, odometer/speedometer, and panniers (the bags that go over your tires). The panniers will take some getting used to, but I found them on Amazon for cheap. Woot!

Arrested Development is a hilarious show. I've been watching them over again starting with season 1, episode 1 on Hulu. Thank you Hulu for your wonder and glory.

My wife and I had our first anniversary a month and a day ago. It was a great first year and we look forward to MANY MANY more. For our anniversary dinner we went to a nice Italian place. The food was wonderful, the waiter was funny, and he gave us a card for a buy one get one free entree next time we go. Oh yes, we'll be back.

That's all for now. I will return to respond to comments made about my thoughts on the church, the poor and liberation theology, make some remarks on health care and also touch back on the professional sports dilly in the next few posts. (To Facebook readers: it would be awesome if you would go to my blog and copy/paste your comments there as well. It will be fun for conversation. I know it's an extra step, but I would love it. (To Google people, please hit the 'follow' button on the right side of my blog and become a 'follower' so I know you read my blog. I'm curious!)



katie davis said...

devin! silly me i didn't even know you had a blog, but i just took a quick read -- good stuff ;-) i wish hulu worked in russia -- i can't use that or pandora which really stinks. alas. i will certainly be watching all three seasons of arrested development when i get home.

way to bike! that is awesome that you are doing that ;-)

Robin said...

i don't know how it took us so long, but jason and i just started watching arrested development a couple weeks ago, and now we are seriously addicted. i officially love Gob.
also, congrats of one year of marital bliss. that wife of yours is something special.

Robin said...

also also, since you want to encourage conversation on your blog, it would be more possible if you took off the blog owner comment approval setting. i'm into instant gratification.

Devin said...

Dear Robin,




Melissa said...

where did you get your bike skills? joel and i have two old bikes that are pretty unrideable but i am ready to hit the pavement! our master plan of fixing them up has culminated in a book from the library that is still unopened and lack of funds to buy the things we need, like a new tire. suggestions?