Thursday, August 20, 2009

Power Tools and Biking

Power Tools
After using some power tools for a week in New Orleans I am OBSESSED! I have always had a fascination with power tools, but never really used them. For the short time I was living and working in Los Angeles and got to use a drill frequently, I hated it. However, now I am back to loving them.

On one of the work projects to Honduras that I was on there were about 10 DeWalt drills. As a 9th grader I decided that DeWalt was the BEST tool out there. Period. It looked sweet to have about 20-30 batteries that were all yellow and black charging every night. (It's kind of like Jack Daniels. Jack and Coke was my first drink I had when I was 21, it's still my favorite).

I now visit the DeWalt site and drool at least twice a day. I have a drill and a circular saw picked out. I also want everything else too. My new project is convincing Emily to give me a project to do that necessitates power tools. I've decided I need to make a dresser for myself.

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you probably realize that I have been biking lately. My buddy moved to the east coast and I bought his bike. I've tuned it up a bit and it rides great. The surprise to biking everyday is I eat A LOT more now. I also feel a lot better with the consistent workout. I'm also a lot more patient, since it is quicker and more relaxing to bike than to take CTA to work.

After biking for a couple weeks, I'm tempted to figure out who I need to write to in order to get roads that have bike lanes paved so that a bike can ride in the bike lanes. There are a few places on Halsted and Blue Island that are downright sinkholes and ditches. I can understand the roads not being perfect, and the 95% of roads without bike lanes not being as good. But the bike lane roads? Really, Chicago? Come on, Daley, help me out.


1 comment:

Jason said...

i have a dewalt drill. it rules. one of the best presents robin has gotten me.